Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Practice English using interesting videos

Dear students:

You can visit the following website to practice English using interesting and original videos. Enjoy!


Si tienen problemas para acceder el link desde acá, les recomiendo copiarlo y pegarlo en el buscador.  

Online English Exercises

Hello dear students!

In the following link you will find practices related to Grammar, Writing, Vocabulary, Pronunciation and other categories. This page is a very good resource since you can check your answers and see the correct ones. Good luck and enjoy!

Si tienen problemas para acceder el link desde acá, les recomiendo copiarlo y pegarlo en el buscador.

Bachillerato Practice

Dear students:

In the following link you will find valuable practices for your Bachillerato test. Good luck and practice a lot!


Si tienen problemas para acceder el link desde acá, les recomiendo copiarlo y pegarlo en el buscador.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Let's check the following links

Guanacaste´s Annexation to Costa Rica


Guanacaste Day is a Costa Rican national holiday commemorating the annexation of the province of Guanacaste to Costa Rica from Nicaragua. Guanacaste Day is celebrated every year on July 25th.


Up until 1824 Guanacaste was part of Nicaragua, who at the time was facing a civil war for power of the country. This was just one in a series of conflicts that had engulfed the country and because of this the inhabitants of Guanacaste requested annexation to Costa Rica.  The annexation was eventually granted by the Central American Federation and from that Day on Guanacaste was part of Costa Rica and since then has become one of the country’s most popular tourist destinations for Ticos and foreigners alike.


Guanacaste Day is celebrated though out Costa Rica as a national holiday, but of course the residents of Guanacaste take more pride in the holiday. They mark they day with parades, fiestas, folk dancing, music, bull fights, fireworks, and spending the day with extended families.
Throughout the country you will many of the areas stores and all government business closed. A popular destination for many celebrating are the many beautiful beaches of Guanacaste, which will be full of vendors selling traditional foods like tameles, grilled meats, and chicharones along with many handmade crafts.


Monday, March 10, 2014

"Women are amazing. She can put a smile on her face, act like everythingis fine. When in reality the world is on her shoulder and her life is slipping though the cracks on her fingers"

March 12th, 2014


"All are from the dust, and to dust all return"

Ecclesiastes 3:20